Sari Palmgren started as Artistic director @Routa Company

Sari Palmgren took up her post as the artistic director of the Kajaani-based Routa Company in August 2023.

Palmgren is the successor of Jouni Järvenpää, whose three-year term as artistic director ended in the summer.

“I am excited to start as artistic director of Routa! I’ve lived in Kajaani for a few years and worked here since 2014, so Kajaani already feels quite familiar,” Palmgren says in a Routa Company press release.

“I’ve been working with nature and animal themes for a long time and I will continue to work with them alongside local topics at Routa Company. I have worked in a variety of spaces, collaborating with artists from different disciplines. I am interested in artistic audience development, activating and meeting audiences in many different ways. Routa Company is an influential and respected dance company in Kainuu region, Finland and internationally. Routa Company will continue to make diverse dance art for a wide audience locally and internationally,” Palmgren continues.

Routa Company is a contemporary dance production centre in Kainuu region, northern Finland, with a mission is to produce, develop and enable diverse and distinctive dance art. The upcoming programme and other activities for season 2023-24 can be found on the Routa Company website.

Kuplat-Juhlat 22.7.2023 @Full Moon Dance Festival

Kuplat-Juhlat on maaginen, rituaalinomainen ja yhteisöllinen esityksen, konsertin sekä juhlien välimaastossa syntyvä monitaiteellinen tapahtuma, joka nähdään Täydenkuun Tanssit -festivaalilla Pyhäsalmen hotellissa la 22.7.2023 klo 17-21.00. Työryhmä ottaa hotellin piha-alueineen haltuunsa ja rakentaa neljätuntisen kokonaisuuden, joka yhdistää tanssia, nykysirkusta, musiikkia, radiolähetyksen, piirtämistä sekä yllätyksiä.

Bubbles is a magical, ritualistic and communal multi-art event that combines elements of performance, concert and party. Kuplat-Juhlat will be seen at the Full Moon Dance Festival Sat 22.7.2023 5pm-9pm at the Pyhäsalmi Hotel. The artistic team will take over the hotel and its surroundings to build a four hour event combining dance, contemporary circus, music, radio broadcasting, drawing and surprises.

Lisää tietoa / More info here:

Valokuvat/ Photos: Matti Häyrynen

Aidatut unelmat Kajaani / Fenced dreams Kajaani

Fenced Dreams Kajaani premiere is 15.8.2023, performances will be 17.-21.8.2023

Aidatut unelmat Kajaani esitys saa ensi-illan Kajaanissa 15.8.2023, esitykset 17.-21.8.2023

Voit seurata teoksen valmistumista blogista: Aidatut unelmat Kajaani blogi

Liput esitykseen:

Linkkejä esityksestä tehtyihin lehtijuttuihin:‒-aidatut-unelmat-on-esittamista-vaille-valmis

Valokuvat/ Photos: Minna Hyvönen

Welcome 2023!

Year 2023 is full of new wonderful plans:

Fenced Dreams is coming to Kajaani!

Kuplat-Juhlat will have new performance at the summer 2023.

Cherry Orchard performs until may 2023 at Kajaani City theatre. In finnish more info here.. In english more info here..

Sari Palmgren will start as artistic leader at Routa Company august 2023. More info here…

Fenced Dreams Helsinki 2017, Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Photo: Uupi Tirronen, In photo: Anne Harju, graphic design: Petra Karvonen

End of 2022!

Year 2022 has been full of work, four premiers (Bird Displays, Kuplat-Juhlat, Cherry Orchard, Kauhulinna), great co-productions and amazing opportunities working with different, wonderfull artists. Thank you all the artists and collaborators!

Bird Displays @Helsinki Dance Company, dancer: Mikko Paloniemi, photo: Kai Kuusisto


Soidinmenot coming @Helsinki Dance Company

Kolme Teosta kontaktista: Soidinmenot: Helsinki Dance Company / Helsingin kaupunginteatteri: Studio Pasila

Studio Pasilassa ensi-iltansa saa 2.3.2022 kolmen eri tavoilla kontaktia ja fyysisyyttä käsittelevän teoksen kokonaisuus, jossa nähdään kantaesitykset Helsinki Dance Companylle Mirva Mäkiseltä ja Sari Palmgrenilta sekä Cirko – Uuden sirkuksen keskuksen kanssa yhteistyössä toteutettava duetto Saku Mäkelältä ja Riia Kivimäeltä.

Haastattelu-> Haastattelu Kolme teosta kontaktista

Photo: Kai Kuusisto, performer in the photo: Mikko Paloniemi

PERFORMING HEL: Sari Palmgren & Co: Joy Riot @ Sat. 4.8.2021, 3pm

The Showcase PERFORMING HEL on September 2-5, 2021 in Helsinki and online presents the most interesting performing arts from Finland for international and Finnish presenters and programmers. Find out more and sign up for the online event at our homepage

Joy riot brings the joy of movement back to the stage. Sorrow and laughter exist side by side, rejoicing arises from darkness.The visually abundant piece fills the space and invites the audience to be part of the performance. The audience are invited to move in the performance space and change perspective; to feel the performance up close or from a distance.

Read more:

Video: Ari Kauppila

Video: Ari Kauppila


Welcome 2020! At october 2020 we will have Joy Riot premiere at zodiak Center for New Dance!

Choreography: Sari Palmgren & team

Performers: Krista-Julia Arppo, Oskari Turpeinen, Minna Karttunen & Kaisa Niemi 

Light design: Heikki Paasonen

Sound design: Joonas Pehrsson

Costume design: Kay Wong

Production: Zodiak Center for New Dance & Sari Palmgren

Photo: Uupi Tirronen, in photo: dancer Krista-Julia Arppo

Photo: Uupi Tirronen, in photo: dancer Krista-Julia Arppo

Performing HEL @Helsinki 29.8-1.9.2019

Sari Palmgren & Co is part of the Performing HEL Showcase.

With performances, demos and production pitches, the event will showcase the finest work from Finland right now. Performing HEL will encompass the full range of performing arts, including circus, dance and theatre, also delivered in exciting yet difficult-to-define combinations. The showcase happens at the same time with Helsinki Festival – the largest arts festival in Finland.

More info here:

Strech 2019 Turku/Finland!

keđja presents: Stretch 2019 Turku is held on 17–20.10.2019 in Turku, Finland.

The theme for this international encounter for dance professionals is Expanding Professionalism. It addresses professional practices of dance artists now and in the future, international work and sustainability, the possibilities of residences ja the relationship between art and the societal context. You can register until 12th august:

Palmgren is part of the Working sustainably as an artist-session and Working internationally in the age of ecological crisis- panel discussion. Welcome to Turku!

Tanzmesse 2018!

If you'd like to meet during the Tanzmesse week, you can find Sari Palmgren at Dance info Finland booth: 69 or contact sari.palmgren(at) for meeting. Happy hour thu 30.8 13.30, See you there! 


5th residence @ Hong Kong!

Sari Palmgren made short video in the 5th Creative meeting point -residence at Hong Kong. 

“Creative Meeting Point: Hong Kong x Finland” is a three-year residency programme initiated by West Kowloon Cultural District in Hong Kong and Dance Info Finland, Zodiak – Centre for New Dance, and Dance House Helsinki in Finland including six reciprocal residency exchanges between 2016 and 2019. The residencies allow the artists to participate in artistic exchange and research, and collaborate to explore and realise possible co-productions between the two regions.
Participating Artists from Hong Kong:
Li Sze-yeung Justyne
Poon Wai-shun Wayson
Tsui Yik-chit Ivy
Participating Artists from Finland:
Carl Knif
Linda Martikainen
Sari Palmgren

Filmmaking & Editing:
Sari Palmgren

West Kowloon, Dance info Finland, Zodiak – Center for new dance
CCDC Dance Centre
Cable Factory
HIAP Residence


2018 is the year for recycle performances and concepts for touring and finding new forms: 

Fenced dreams (Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Kanneltalo & Helsinki Festivals 2017) performance has new performances in august 2018 at Kannelmäki area. Connective patterns and Tourist films will be touring in different dance film festivals. Kuplat-juhlat will come again this year in Hanko/Finland at august 2018. Sari Palmgren & Co will be also working for new performance Lame Tamer, that will premiere 2019 in Routa dance company at Kajaani/Finland.   

Photo: Uupi Tirronen 

Photo: Uupi Tirronen 


It has been fruitfull year, full of different performances, residencies and projects:

The Earth song, Licking things, Utopian empathy- performances, Connective patterns and Tourist-film was touring in Finland and abroad. Seven series Talk video-project was completed at february. The White Reindeer -play was touring in Russia (Dir. Hanna Kirjavainen), Energy Sounscape -innovation performance had its first performance at march with Kimmo Pohjonen, Tuomas Norvio, Janne Käpylehto, Satu Rekola & Johanna Ikola. Big scale walking performance Fenced dreams had premiere and succesfull performances in august at Zodiak – Center for new dance, Kanneltalo & Helsinki Festival.

I had two residencies in Hongkong (Cretive meeting point Honkong x Finland 2016-2018) and one residence in Portugal (espaço do tempo residence at Montemor-o-Novo). I had also pleasure to study in Sicilia one month (Passing through only) with David Zambrano and 40 different dancers around the world.

I was teaching choreography, improvisation and contemporary dance at Länsi-Suomen opisto, Jyväskylä university and Hongkong Arts academy. There was also annual dance film workshop: Repeat-pause-edit workshop in june and work at Tanssille ry as organizer for professional morning classes and workshops.

Thank you collaborators and all the wonderful artists that I have pleasure to work and pass through this year! See you next year!  –Sari

Photo: Uupi Tirronen, Licking things (Zodiak – Center for New Dance).

Photo: Uupi Tirronen, Licking things (Zodiak – Center for New Dance).